How to license a new Utah Commercial Pesticide Business:
Note: As of January 1st, 2019 a new law was passed that requires a “Qualifying Party” to be associated with each commercial pesticide business license. Lawn care companies providing ornamental and turf pest control spot treatment services, and using herbicides with labels that contain the signal word “Warning” or “Caution” are exempt from the new 2-year Qualified Party/Applicator rule. To learn more about the “Qualifying Party” in general and how to become a Qualifying Party yourself, see below.
What is a “Qualifying Party?”
During the 2018 Legislative Session, a new law (see Utah Pesticide Control Act 4-14-111(3)(d)) was passed that requires a “Qualifying Party” to be associated with each Commercial Pesticide Business License. There are three ways to become a “Qualifying Party:”
- Maintain a valid Utah Pesticide Applicator’s License for two or more years.
- Maintain a valid Pesticide Applicator’s License from another state for two or more years that qualify for a Utah reciprocal license.
- Provide a copy of a related Associate’s Degree (or higher) and date graduated. Accepted degrees include horticulture, agriculture, entomology, biology, and chemistry. UDAF has the discretion in deciding what other fields of study may be acceptable.
Renewal of Utah Commercial Pesticide Business License
Step 1: Click here to get a renewal form.
Step 2: Have on hand the appropriate fee via credit card or E-check (checks can be left blank): The Pesticide Business License fee is $110.00 per license. The license is triennial (once every three years), and expires on December 31st of the third year.
Step 3: Make a payment. Click here to the online payments page.
Step 4. In order to fully complete your renewal, you MUST scan and email your application to [email protected].(Copy and paste this email into your email service if it doesn't respond when clicked) or you can mail your forms into:
UDAF Pesticides
350 N Redwood Rd
Salt Lake City, UT 84106
Without the form being emailed or mailed and received by UDAF your payment and renewal will not be processed correctly and could result in a citation.
Pesticide Continuing Education
Need more CEUs? Click here to find a CEU event near you.
Have the appropriate number of CEU? If you have your renewal form, click here to submit with CEUs. Click if you need a renewal form.
Click here for obtainable online CEUs.
Do you need to take the USU Extension Pesticide Modules? Click here to go now.
Have you completed the appropriate modules? Click here to find a testing center.
To request approval for CEU's and a CEU course you're offering, click here.
Sample Record-Keeping Form
All Commercial Pesticide Applicators are required to keep records on every application they make. Non-Commercial and Private Pesticide applicators are required to keep only records on RUP. These inspections may be done in conjunction with another investigation or as an investigation in itself. RUP dealers’ records are also conducted as described earlier. When requested, applicators must provide UDAF personnel with records.
You do not have to use this form but it contains all the necessary record-keeping elements. Click here for a downloadable sample.
Request an Educational Inspection with UDAF
UDAF Pesticide Program is trying to create better outreach to the regulated pesticide community. With that goal in mind, we would like to offer something new to all individual applicators, pesticide companies, and private pesticide applicators that are concerned about pesticides, the opportunity to learn more! We are now offering Compliance Assistance in the form of “Volunteer Inspections.” If you would like to request an inspection please contact a compliance specialist in your area.
Utah and Federal Laws and Regulations
These are the Laws and Regulations that are in place and enforced in the State of Utah.
Federal Laws and Regulations
- EPA Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, Rodenticide Act
- Endangered Species Act
- Worker Protection Standards (WPS)
Utah Laws and Regulations
For updates, changes, and all information regarding laws and regulations for pesticides in the state of Utah, please go here.