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Grain Program

George Wilson, Chief Grain Inspector, (801) 392-2292

UDAF’s State Grain Inspection Service (USDA/FGIS Certified) provides official analysis of submitted samples and samples taken directly from vehicles at the Grain Inspection facility in Ogden. Rail cars are officially sampled by special arrangement. Types of samples include all small grains, as well as safflower, with the exception of oil content.

Utah Code and Administrative Rules Relating to Grain and Hay Inspection

Grain and Hay Inspection Fees

Regular hourly rate $28.00
Overtime hourly rate $42.00
Official Inspection Services
(includes sampling except where indicated)
Railcar, per car or part car $20.50
Truck or trailer, per carrier or part carrier $10.50
Container inspection $21.50
Sealing of carriers upon request per carrier $5.00
Re-inspection, based on new sample (truck) $10.50
Re-inspection, based on new sample (rail) $20.50
Re-inspection, based on file sample $7.50
Submitted sample, per sample $7.50
Submitted sample with protein, per sample $13.00
Protein only $8.00
Protein retest, original or file sample $8.00
Protein with grade $5.50
Factor only determination or requested shown factor $3.00
Stowage examination services, per carrier $10.00
Sampling only (truck) $10.50
Sampling only (rail) $20.50
Insect damaged kernel determination (weevil bore) $2.75



Non-official Services (Not performed under the USGSA)
Class II weighing, per carrier $6.00
Safflower Grading (submitted sample/per sample) $13.00
Silages (corn or hay) analysis $20.00
Feed grain analysis $14.00
Set of check samples (proteins-moisture, set of 5) $25.00
Grain grading instruction, per hour per person $28.00
Other requests Hourly Rate


Request for services not covered by the above fees will be performed at the applicable hourly rate stated herein, plus mileage and travel time, if applicable. Official commercial inspection services may be available upon request.

Certified document fee $10.00
Citations, maximum per violation $500.00
Administrative costs for making copies of files, per hour $10.00
Administrative costs for making copies of files, per copy $0.25
Duplicate fee $15.00
Internet access fee $1.50
Late fee $25.00
Returned check fee $15.00
Mileage State rate