Following the devastating 2012 fire season, Governor Gary Herbert charged Agriculture Commissioner Blackham with the task of developing a cooperative strategy to reduce the size, intensity and frequency of catastrophic fires in Utah. A Central Steering Committee comprised of the leaders of Utah’s federal, state and local land management agencies devised a strategy to answer the Governor’s charge.
The committee continues to meet. Its phase I final report is offered here.
Click here for the PDF file of the final report
Click here for the appendices which include:
1. Working group participants
2. Complete regional projects
3. Fires in Utah; the current situation and existing resources
Supporting Documents for SW Region #6:
Biomass CRS 2011
Data on biomass markets
Federal Preparedness Proposal
Hazardous Fuels Reduction Implementation Staffing
NEPA Barriers
Planning Barriers
Smoke Management Barriers
Beaver Catastrophic WildFire Project
Garfield Catastrophic Wildfire Project
Iron Catastrophic Wildfire Project
Kane Catastrophic Wildfire Project
Kane Catastrophic Wildfire Spreadsheet
State Suppression Proposal
Washington Catastrophic Wildfire Project