There are 45 million acres of grazing land in Utah of which 73% is federal land, 18% is private, and 9% is state-owned (Fig. 4). There is cause for optimism since science demonstrates that good grazing management can improve resource/watershed health, forage productivity, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunity while reducing the risk of catastrophic wild fire.
The GIP range professionals and grazing boards have been successful in improving understanding and communication between federal land management agencies, livestock operators, and non-government organizations concerned about the health of Utah’s rangeland resources. The funds available through GIP are a critical bridge for providing resources to improve grazing management practices based on scientific principles. (Fig. 5 large pdf file).
Grazing management principles:
Time…(duration of animals on a pasture)
Timing…(season of the year that the pasture is grazed)
Intensity…(amount of forage removed)
See the entire presentation in this slide-show (Fig. 5).