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At UDAF, we recognize the importance of serving the citizens of our state, doing our job to work with local producers to ensure safety, accuracy, efficiency, and affordability of all products and services within our purview of the agriculture and food industries.

As such, please contact us if you have questions about conditions within our oversight that are compromised or where we can generally be of assistance

For Measurement Complaints such as Scales or Gas Pumps:
Brett Gurney, Program Manager
(801) 538-7158 email: [email protected]

For Food Safety complaints:
Jay Schvaneveld, Food Supervisor
(801) 538-7149 email: [email protected]

For USDA Agriculture Disputes requesting Mediation:
Melissa Ure, Policy Analyst
(801) 538-4976 email: [email protected], or [email protected]

For Pesticide Complaints:
Scott Oldham, Program Manager
(801) 538-7183 email: [email protected]

For Livestock Complaints:
Cody James, Brand Bureau Chief
(801) 538-7166 email: [email protected]

For food recalls, please refer to, an updated listing of notices, recalls, and alerts from both the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).