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UDAF Grants

The Utah Department of Agriculture and Food administers several grants to help further the development of the state’s agricultural and food industries. Information on open grants and previous grant programs can be found below.


Specialty Crop Block Grant Program

    • Application Window: Now open until April 9, 2025
    • Contact: Allison Ross, [email protected]
    • Eligible applicants include producers, schools, trade associations, non-profits, farmers markets, farming and ranching co-ops, etc. headquartered in Utah.
    • Eligible projects must benefit more than one producer or organization and may include a broad range of focus such as improving marketing, research, training, certifications, plant health, etc. for specialty crops.

Utah Pollinator Habitat Program

    • Appliation Window: Now Open through April 15, 2025
    • The purpose of this program is to achieve the following:
      • Increase the amount of available pollinator habitat throughout Utah
      • Enhance and expand existing landscapes to improve resources (pollen and nectar) available for pollinators
      • Provide better connectivity between habitats to better support beneficial species
      • Increase access and availability of native seed resources across the state
      • Increase public awareness and involvement to improve pollinator habitat state-wide

Utah Grazing Improvement Program Grant

    • Application Window: Open Annually Through January 1
    • Program Manager: Troy Forrest – [email protected], (435) 279-3603; Grant Contact: Regional GIP Coordinators
    • The Utah Grazing Improvement Program (GIP) provides cost-share grants to rangers for rangeland improvements. Eligible projects include any restoration work that will improve rangeland health, productivity and management. In order for proposals to be competitive, a recommended request maximum is $200,000. Applicants are advised to work with their regional GIP coordinator for application assistance and more information. 
    • Project examples: elimination of invasive species, reseeding, livestock water development and improvements, fencing, grazing management planning, and any other projects that improve watershed and rangeland health and productivity.


Agricultural Voluntary Incentives Program (AgVIP)

  • 2023 Application Window: Closed
  • Contact: Katie Slebodnik, [email protected], (385) 224-9447
  • The Agricultural Voluntary Incentive Program (AgVIP) provides financial incentives to producers who participate in developing a comprehensive nutrient management plan (CNMP) to help maximize crop yields while staying in compliance with state water quality regulations. Eligible producers may receive a one-time $1,000 payment to work with a conservation planner to develop a CNMP and after one year of implementation, may be paid $12 per acre for areas covered in the CNMP.

Agricultural Water Optimization Grant

    • Application Window: Now Closed
    • Contact:  [email protected]
    • The Agricultural Water Optimization Program provides grants to help agricultural producers optimize their water use to create water resiliency in Utah.

  • Application Window: Closed
  • Contact: Tony Richards - [email protected], 435-452-2296
  • The grant is open to organizations who are planning new or expanded educational soil health events in Utah in 2025.
  • Grants will be awarded in amounts between $1,500 and $10,000.
  • Funds may be used for any eligible planning and logistical costs, and administrative costs of up to 5% of the total award amount.

Invasive Species Mitigation Grant

    • Application Window: Closed
    • Contact: Aaron Eager – [email protected], (801)602-1961
    • The Invasive Species Mitigation Grant is a competitive grant that allocates funds to projects with noxious weed management strategies that have a high degree of potential success in Utah.
    • Eligible organizations include universities, cooperative weed management areas (CWMA’s), county weed boards, federal and state agencies, federal, state, tribal, and private landowners, conservation districts, nonprofits, and/or other political subdivisions.
    • Eligible activities include early detection and rapid response, treating critical acres that protect larger land use areas, monitoring and preventing the spread of small populations and new introductions, monitoring and rehabilitating established infestations, research related to invasive species.

  • 2024 Application Window: Closed
  • Contacts: Jeremy Christensen, [email protected], 385.441.4106
  • Formerly known as the LeRay McAllister Critical Land Conservation Fund, the Fund works to preserve or restore critical agricultural land in Utah by purchasing development rights on these critical lands.
  • This fund grant allows farmers and ranchers to continue to utilize their land for agriculture and secures Utah’s local food security. This program also helps maintain open space, which benefits wildlife and keeps Utah’s landscape open and beautiful.

Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) Program

    • Application Window: Closed
    • Contact: Allison Ross – [email protected], (385)549-7987
    • The purpose of the Resilient Food Systems Infrastructure (RFSI) program is to build resilience in the middle of the food supply chain, to provide more and better markets to small farms and food businesses, to support the development of value-added products for consumers, fair prices, fair wages, and new and safe job opportunities.
    • Meat and poultry, wild-caught seafood, exclusively animal feed and forage products, fiber, landscaping products, tobacco, or dietary supplements are all ineligible products for this grant.
    • Two grant types are available:
      • Infrastructure Projects of $100,000-$750,000 (25-50% cost match required), or
      • Simplified Equipment-only Projects of $10,000-$100,000 (no cost match required)

Soil Health Equipment Grant

    • 2023 Application Now Closed
    • Contact: Tony Richards, [email protected], (435)452-2296
    • Eligible entities include organizations that work directly with farmers and ranchers such as local Conservation Districts.
    • The Soil Health Equipment Grant will assist farmers and ranchers in the conservation district areas with purchasing equipment linked to implementing soil health principles.
    • All grants will require a minimum of 20% match and equipment requested must be tied to implementing soil health

UGIP Predatory Animal Control Grant

    •  2022 Application Window: Now Closed
    • Program Manager: Troy Forrest - [email protected], (435) 279-3603; Grant Contact: Regional GIP Coordinators
    • This grant is open to eligible livestock producers who have suffered predation losses and provides reimbursement for up to 50% of the cost of the contracted amount for practices used to stop or reduce predation. To apply, contact your regional GIP coordinator.

UGIP Small Livestock Producers Grant

    • 2022 Application window open through June 17, 2022
    • This grant is open to small livestock producers (50 animal units or less) for projects that will improve grazing management on federal, state, or private land.  A total of $100,000 is available with an award maximum of up to $10,000. To apply, contact your regional GIP coordinator.

Utah Food Security Processing Grant

    • 2024 Application Window: Now Closed
    • Contact: Allison Ross – [email protected], (385) 549-7987
    • This reimbursement grant is open to processors located in Utah with fewer than 100 employees who plan to make an immediate impact on the state’s capacity to process or store Utah raised or grown beef, dairy, pork, eggs, poultry, lamb, bison, fruit, vegetables, grain, honey, etc.
    • $1,000,000 total is available; awards will be capped at $200,000 with $20,000 held for microgrants of $5,000 or less.
    • Grant application window opened on May 1 and closed on May 31, 2024.
.*For information on UDAF’s Agricultural Loan Program, click here.

Note: Grant funds may be considered taxable income. Please consult a tax professional with any questions.