Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease (RHD) is a very contagious fatal disease of wild and domesticated rabbits caused by a calicivirus called rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus. There are two types of RHD, RHDVa (or RHDV1) only affects domestic rabbits, while RHDV2 can infect hares, jackrabbits, cottontail rabbits, and domesticated rabbits.
For wild rabbits, contact the Division of Wildlife Resources.
For domestic rabbits, contact your veterinarian or the Utah State Veterinarian at (801) 982-2235.
Geographic Distribution Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease is considered endemic (or always present) in Australia, New Zealand, Cuba, parts of Asia and Africa, and most of Europe. The US has had cases of RHDVa in Iowa, Illinois, New York, Indiana, Minnesota, and Utah. The last case of RHDVa in Utah was in 2001. RHDV2 was first diagnosed in Europe in 2010. Southwestern Canada experienced its first cases of RHDV2 in 2018, followed by cases in Ohio, Washington, and New York City. In early 2020, a widespread outbreak of RHDV2 emerged in the Southwestern US and northern Mexico, affecting New Mexico, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Nevada, California, and Utah. It has caused cases in both wild and domestic rabbits. Clinical Signs and Testing Rabbits infected with RHD have a short period of high fever and lethargy followed by sudden death in 80—100% of infected rabbits. The incubation period, or time from infection to signs of illness ranges from 1-3 days. Death occurs 3-9 days after infection. In most cases in pet rabbits, the rabbits rarely show any signs of illness and die suddenly within 6-24 hours. Rabbits may have a fever, nervous signs, difficulty breathing, and refuse to eat. They may have frothy blood coming from their noses just prior to death. Some rabbits survive the acute phase, but will continue to shed the virus for at least a month. The only treatment for RHD is supportive care. Survival of the acute form of RHD is rare, and chronic cases often succumb to the disease after several weeks. There are no tests currently within the United States for detecting RHD in live rabbits. Dead domestic rabbits may be submitted to the Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory by your veterinarian. Disease Spread and Biosecurity RHD virus may be inhaled, eaten, or absorbed through wounds to the skin. It can survive in the environment for several months, and is usually transmitted by direct contact with infected rabbits or by contact with objects, people, shoes, or clothing that has been contaminated by rabbit bodily fluids or feces. Rodents, insects, birds, and other animals may also become contaminated with the virus and transfer it to rabbits. Biosecurity measures you can take to protect your rabbits include: Rabbit Shows and Exhibitions Rabbit events or meetings with live rabbits can contradict several biosecurity recommendations. Biosecurity practices are always a good idea, not just for RHD, but more common contagious conditions such as Pasteurella and mites. Outdoor rabbits are at the highest risk for diseases like RHD. Indoor rabbits cared for with excellent biosecurity practices are at very low risk of RHD and other diseases. Rabbits co-mingled at club meeting, shows, etc. have greater risk of contracting snuffles from an infected rabbit compared to RHD. Risk of disease transmission could be reduced at club meetings by only having rabbits from one premises present per meeting. All club members must wash hands before and after handling rabbits and arrive at the meeting site with clean clothing and clean/disinfected footwear. After returning home, they should change clothes and footwear and wash their hands before caring for their own rabbits. The Utah State Veterinarian has the authority to set health requirements for fairs and shows in Utah, and if the risk of disease spread is too great, rabbit shows may be cancelled or postponed. Individual shows may also set their own requirements for protecting exhibitors and their rabbits. If traveling to another state for a show, check with the state of destination for their requirements. Some states may require a certificate of veterinary inspection (health certificate) or have additional restrictions for rabbits from states with RHD. Vaccination Is there a vaccine for RHD? Yes, Medgene has developed an RHDV2 vaccine that has received emergency use approval. Now that we have a vaccine available in the United States, we will no longer approve import of the Filavac and Eravac vaccines from Europe. Is the vaccine available in Utah? Yes, any veterinarian in Utah can order the vaccine from Medgene. Can vaccinated rabbits spread RHD? It is not known if rabbits vaccinated with the Medgene vaccine can shed RHD. Both vaccinated and unvaccinated rabbits can carry the virus on their feet, hair, or whiskers and move the virus (just like other animals, human feet, car tires, or equipment). It is important to practice good biosecurity whether your rabbits are vaccinated or not. Will the vaccine protect my rabbits? No vaccine is 100% effective, so it is important to practice good biosecurity, even if your rabbits are vaccinated. The vaccine takes 14 days after the second dose to provide full immunity from the disease, so be extra-vigilant while your rabbit is not fully protected. Do I need to give a vaccine booster? The Medgene vaccine requires a booster dose 21 days after the first dose. An annual booster may also be required. Are there any side effects from vaccination? Vaccine side effects may include lethargy, fever, and swelling at the vaccination site. The vaccine has not been tested in pregnant or nursing rabbits. Is there a withdrawal time in meat rabbits? Yes. The USDA requires a 21-day meat withdrawal period for rabbits intended for meat consumption. Where can I get more information about the Medgene RHD vaccine? The Medgene website is: https://medgenelabs.com/rhdv2/ USEFUL LINKS EPA List of Disinfectants for Use Against RHDV2 UDAF Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Factsheet UDAF Guidance for Positive Premises USDA Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Emerging Risk Notice USDA RHD Cleaning and Disinfection Guidance American Rabbit Breeders Association California Department of Food and Agriculture RHD Biosecurity Recommendations