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Specialty Crop Block Grant Program

Contact: Allison Ross, Grants Specialist, [email protected]

This grant is now closed. We anticipate notifying applicants of their provisional awards in late April/early May 2024.

The Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) is a competitive grant program operated by the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) in which funding from the United States Department of Agriculture is awarded to eligible applicants to support Utah’s specialty crop industry. Specialty crops include fruits, vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture — including nursery crops, and more. Click here for a complete list of eligible specialty crops.

This grant is open to producers, schools, trade associations, non-profits, farmers markets, farming and ranching co-ops, etc. headquartered in Utah. Potential projects may include a broad range of focus such as improving marketing, research, training, certifications, food safety, pest control, plant health and beyond for specialty crops. Candidates must demonstrate the ability to enhance the competitiveness of Utah grown specialty crops and benefit more than one producer or organization.

Applicants will apply through the Submittable platform using the link below and must have a Unique Entity Identifier to submit their application. Unique Entity Identifiers (UEI) can be acquired free-of-charge from the federal government at This process can take some time, so applicants are strongly encouraged to begin the process quickly, and not to wait until the last week as it is unlikely the UEI will be assigned in time. A guide to getting a UEI is in the Helpful Links and Documents section. Please read all the 2024 Specialty Crop Block Grant information below before applying.

2024 Specialty Crop Block Grant Information:

Award Funding:

    • A total of $342,390.03 is available to be awarded. Individual project requests may not exceed $70,000. 

Important Dates:

    • Public Comment Period: February 16 – 23, 2024
    • Applications Open: February 26, 2024
    • Application Close Date: April 5, 2024 at 11:59pm
    • Application Review Period: April 2024
    • Awards Provisionally Announced: April-May 2024
    • Final USDA Award Approval: May-June 2024
    • Contracts signed and completed: September 2024
    • Project Start Date: September 30, 2024


    • Selected projects must run no longer than September 30th, 2024 – to September 29th, 2027
    • This year, priority will be placed on projects that 
      • leverage efforts to market and promote specialty crops; 
      • assist producers with research and development relevant to specialty crops;
      • expand availability and access to specialty crops; and/or
      •  address local, regional, and national challenges confronting specialty crop producers
*For project proposals outside the scope of the categories above, pre-approval must be granted; email [email protected] for more information.


    • The grant is open to producers, private businesses, schools, trade associations, non-profits, farming and ranching co-ops, etc. headquartered in Utah.
Additional applicant types may be eligible, email [email protected] for more information.

Review Process:

The review process for this round of funding has two stages, an initial eligibility review followed by a selection committee review. Projects that only benefit one applicant, are centered on ineligible crops, or projects with incomplete applications will be disqualified.

Rating Criteria:

Projects will be rating on the following: 

    • Multiple project beneficiaries
    • Project enhances competitiveness of specialty crops
    • Project has clear and relevant outside support
    • Applicant is new or beginning farmer or food producer, or applicant is historically underserved or socially disadvantaged farmer
    • Outcome indicators are relevant to the project
    • Project is likely to become self-sufficient and not reliant on additional grant funds
    • Project is well thought out, including a reasonable budget and clear and realistic objectives
    • Project strongly relates to funding priorities:
      • leveraging efforts to market and promote specialty crops;
      • assisting producers with research and development relevant to specialty crops;
      • expanding availability and access to specialty crops;
      • and/or addressing local, regional, and national challenges confronting specialty crop producers
    • Project impact on specialty crop industry as a whole

See 2024 SCBG Scoring Sheet

Successful Success Stories:

Additional Information: