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County Apiary Inspectors

Bee inspectors are available to assist beekeepers in Utah. Contact your county bee inspector or UDAF Apiary Program with questions or concerns. If your county does not have a bee inspector, please contact a state inspector.


UDAF Apiary Program
(801) 982-2313
[email protected]


County Name Phone Email
Box Elder Martin James (435) 760-0805 [email protected]
Cache Martin James (435) 760-0805 [email protected]
Todd Walker
(435) 724-0529
[email protected]
Iron Blaine Nay (435) 590-7569 [email protected]
Millard Michael Stephenson (435) 864-8346 [email protected]
Salt Lake Peter Somers (801) 874-2999 [email protected]
Summit Dean Hannibal (801) 541-8095
Tooele Kelly Keele (435) 830-3888
Wasatch Dean Hannibal (801) 541-8095
Weber Rex Weston (801) 644-3350 [email protected]
Washington Blaine Nay (435) 590-7569 [email protected]


If you reside in a county without an inspector, section 4-11-5 of the Bee Inspection Act states that the board of county commissioners can appoint one upon petition of five or more persons who raise bees.

The list of beekeepers currently registered in Utah can be found in two places:
