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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can I contact if I have questions? 

Jim Bowcutt and Mindy Wheeler are the project leads.  Questions can be directed to Mindy at: (385) 235-1062; [email protected] You can also send questions to the program email: [email protected].

Can I request specific plant species in my kit?

Not at this time.  All plant kits will be pre-selected based on your specific habitat needs and location.

What if I only want seeds to enhance my habitat?

Regionally specific seed packets are compiled yearly for promotional distribution and project-specific needs on a case-by-case basis to those fitting our criteria. For more information, contact us via email. Details on specific mixes and plant species are described here

When will habitat kits be available?

Habitat kits will be ready by late September to early October.

How do I get my kit?

Recipients will be responsible for picking up their awarded kits on specified dates and times. Upon notification that you have been awarded kits, you will be notified of the days scheduled for pickup near your local distribution center. In the event you cannot make the time and date, you are responsible for contacting the project lead to coordinate an alternate day.

Can my kit be delivered?

Not at this time.  All habitat kits must be picked up on specified dates and times at the locations listed.

Can I directly purchase a kit without applying through this program?

Not at this time, although we are working with local nurseries to make this option available at a future date. Check back for updates.

Is there assistance available for creating and maintaining my habitat?

We have made this planting guide available to assist you in installing your habitat kits and seeds.  A maintenance guide is also available with some trouble-shooting tips to help answer questions regarding seasonal maintenance should those arise. Feel free to reach out to project leads with questions or concerns and for updates on the availability of additional resources.

Where can I apply?

Click here to view the 2025 Utah Pollinator Habitat Program Application.

Click here to return to the main Utah Pollinator Habitat Program page.
