As of February 1st, 2020 the process of going through USU Extension pesticide education and testing has ended. The education and testing procedure will go back in-house through UDAF. USU will still be holding testing at their testing locations but the module and then testing process will be removed.
The educational manuals are available here and are accessible anytime through PDFs. We will not be printing any manuals but you are welcome to order them for a fee or just access them anytime through the PDF itself. Those instructions will be available on the website as well. If you have any questions regarding this change please call 801-982-2300 or email [email protected]
Pre-Requisites for Non-Commercial Applicators
Non-commercial Applicator - any person working as an individual or an employee of a firm, entity or government agency who uses or demonstrates the use of any restricted-use pesticide and who does not qualify as a private applicator, nor require a commercial applicator's license. In Utah, employees of government entities most often hold this license type. Although a Non-Commercial Applicators License is not necessary when applying general use pesticides, it is strongly recommended.
All pesticide applicators must be 18 years of age to receive a Pesticide Applicators License.
Not sure what type of license you need? Click here.
Obtain/Renew a Non-Commercial Pesticide Applicator License by Testing
Are you being asked to apply for a governmental entity or on your employer-owned property? This section will help you get through the process of acquiring your license.
STEP #1: Go to our Pesticide Educational Materials webpage to find PDF links to our study guides.
STEP #2: Once you have completed studying, pay the $20 licensing fee to UDAF. Two options are available below.
- Go to UDAF's Online Payment webpage (Online Services).
- Click on "Online Payments"
- In the “Pay For” drop-down menu select Non-Commercial Pesticide Applicator.
- Complete the payment process. A receipt will be emailed.
- Call 801-538-7100 and let the receptionist know you want to pay for a Non-Commercial Pesticide Applicator license. If you’re renewing be sure to have your license number handy. A receipt will be emailed.
STEP #3: Tests must be completed at a Pesticide Licensing Testing Center. Contact the testing center of your choice to make an appointment. You must bring the receipt of license payment to the testing center or they will not let you test.
STEP #4: ATTENTION! Be sure to fill out the Completion Form before logging out of the exam. If you don’t complete the form, your license WILL NOT be processed.
You should receive your license within 30 days. If not, please contact one of our Pesticide Program team members at 801-982-2300 (option #2) or [email protected].
There are a total of 15 categories that can be held under a Utah Pesticide Applicator’s License. Each one has specific reasons for them to be held. Click here for a list and explanation of each category.
Renewing a Non-Commercial Pesticide Applicator License w/CEU’s
Here's how you renew a Non-Commercial Pesticide Applicator License with CEU’s:
- Pay the $20 license fee. Call 801-982-2300 OR pay online at any time:
- Go to UDAF's Online Payment
- In the Pay For drop-down menu select Non-Commercial Pesticide Applicator.
- Complete the payment process. The receipt will be emailed.
- Be sure to retain a copy of the receipt to send with your documents.
- Complete the non-commercial application and email it (including receipt), along with your 24 CEU's, to [email protected].
If you don't get all of the above done by December 31, 2021, you can still renew your pesticide applicator license through February 28, 2022, by paying a $25 late fee. 24 CEU’s are still required and they must be earned during your valid license period (2018-2020). If that date passes, you must retest.
You should receive your license within 30 days. If not, please contact us at 801-982-2300 (option #2) or [email protected].
Don't have enough CEU hours? Obtain more below
Obtain/Renew a Reciprocal Non-Commercial Pesticide Applicator License in Utah
Looking to work in the State of Utah? Moving to the state of Utah? This section will help you learn how to move your license to a State of Utah pesticide applicator license.
Here's what you need to do to obtain or renew a reciprocal non-commercial pesticide applicators license in Utah:
- Complete the Application for Commercial / Non-Commercial Pesticide Applicators.
- Supply a legible copy of current State, DOD, or BLM pesticide license (front and back on both).
- Supply a legible copy of government-issued photo identification.
- If applicable, supply a legible copy of the FAA pilot's license (front and back on both).
- Pay your $20 non-commercial license fee here. Select "Non-Commercial Pesticide Applicator" and follow the steps. Otherwise, you can call 801-982-2300 to pay over the phone. Be sure to retain a copy of the receipt to send with your documents.
- Scan and email your documents (including receipt) to our main email at [email protected].
- Request a Letter of Good Standing from the state where the license is issued. The letter needs to be emailed to our main email at [email protected].
You should receive your license within 30 days. If not, please contact us at 801-982-2300 (option #2) or [email protected].