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Organic System Plan

All applicants and certified organic producers must maintain and submit a current Organic System Plan (OSP). An Organic System Plan is described as, a plan of management of organic production or handling operation that has been agreed to by the producer or handler and the certifying agent and that includes written plans concerning all aspects of agricultural production or handling described in the Act and the regulations in subpart C of Part 205- National Organic Program. A written narrative would include but not be limited to, a list of all processes, procedures, and policies that are in place for your organic production. Addressing all critical organic control points and additional information as necessary within the written narrative is required, due to the fact it may not be fully addressed within the application. This could include but is not limited to (in no particular order).

  • Cleaning
  • Sanitation
  • Monitoring
  • Mixing
  • Pest Control
  • Storage
  • Transportation
  • Packaging
  • Exporting
  • Importing
  • Supplier Certificates
  • Recordkeeping

In addition to the annual renewal fees due, a compilation of documentation must be submitted with any updates or changes to take place. The information will be reviewed for approval, prior to the change taking place. The following documentation is an example of what to submit.

OSP Documentation Examples:
  • Facility Map
  • Certification Forms
  • Master List of Products
  • Flow Charts
  • Product Flow Chart(s)
  • Master Ingredient Supply List
  • Cleaning SOP and/or Documents
  • Cleaner Labels
  • Quaternary Form
  • MSDS, where needed
  • Pest Control
  • Pest Control Map
  • Organic Supplier List
  • Organic Supplier Certificate(s)
  • Organic Product Profile(s)
  • Organic Product Label(s)
  • Organic Product Label Profile(s)
  • Conventional Product List
  • Organic Product List

Organic System Plan Annual Updates, send to: [email protected]

Each year, the operation must submit to its certifier, the following:

    1. Certification and inspection fees;
    2. Updated contact information;
    3. Any changes that the operation made during the previous year;
    4. Any changes that are planned for the upcoming year;
    5. An update on the correction of any previously identified noncompliances; and
    6. Other information deemed necessary by the certifier to demonstrate compliance with the regulations.

Notification of Changes, send to: [email protected]

To be sent prior to the change taking place, for review and approval. Updates can be submitted in written form or through updated supporting documents.

    1. Application of a prohibited substance to any field, production unit, product or site involved in organic production or handling, regardless of whether it was a direct application or drift from a neighboring area, and regardless of whether or not it was intentional. The operation must notify the certifier immediately of any such events;
    2. Addition of acreage, a new field, product line, production facility, animal herd, or animal facility to organic production;
    3. Removal of a field or portion thereof from organic production;
    4. Development of a new retail label for the operation’s organic products;
    5. New processing or handling of organic products not already specified in the OSP; and
    6. Any change in the operation’s practice, input, or procedure that may affect compliance with the regulations.